If you find a new solution and report the solution, please send the report via e-mail using the following format. The reported solution will be checked using the source code published in our web site. For the problem P2 which is multi-objective optimization problem, please contact us. ----------------- Author, Title, Name of Publication, Volume, Number, Pages Name of method Summary of the method (if possible) Objective function value: Tolerance for constraint violation: (this is set in the file XX_tolerance.conf of the source code) Total of constraint violation (if possible): Please delimit values with a line feed. Please report values with 10 fractional digits at least, if possible. Insufficient precision may cause some troubles in the check of the constraint satisfactions. The followings are an example. 5 4.999999999999997 5 4.999999999999996 5 5 5 4.999999999999999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4.99999999999999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 15 11.3830846782401 8.761197764237833 8.761198960739431 8.76120796236539 8.761217723727416 8.761224760049602 8.761221479867398 8.76122209895988 8.761204940008863 8.761218962839202 8.761225718944845 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 13.52713757709825 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14.45663737292054 4.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3039.415263229595 3678.932226710519 3678.932226710519 3678.932226710519 3678.932226710519 3678.932226710519 3678.932226710519 3678.932226710519 3678.932226710519 3678.932226710519 3678.932226710519 3678.932226710519 3678.932226710519 3678.932226710519 0 0 100.3361260221744 100.3361260221745 100.3361260221742 100.3361260221743 100.3361260221745 100.336126022174 150.5041890332612 200.6722520443482 0 0 0 39.39781106326707 39.39781583179741 39.39785170671946 39.3978906093743 39.39791865184704 39.39790557904261 39.39790804641176 39.39783966148579 39.3978955477777 39.39792247342426 8.026890081773944 278.5389431741143 150.5041890332622